Working With Vellum Paper

Vellum is a translucent paper with a subtle texture and a smooth surface. It can be solid, marbled, metallic, flecked with gold and silver, or embedded with flowers or leaves. Because you can see through vellum, it is often used to layer on top of other papers.

  • Because vellum doesn't absorb ink like other types of paper, Use “draft mode” and the transparency setting so that less ink is transferred to the paper.
  • Allow printed vellum extra time to completely dry before you handle it or you may smear the ink.
  • Vellum creases very easily which leaves white marks, so be careful not to bend it.
  • Wash your hands before you use vellum as the natural oils in your fingers can create visible smudges on the paper.
  • The edges of vellum can be sharp, so use care when handling them.
  • Vellum can be harder to cut than normal paper so use a metal-edge ruler and X-ACTO knife for cutting.
  • Because of its translucent nature, adhesives show through the paper. As an alternative to using glue or tape, attach vellum with ribbon or raffia woven through punched holes.